Chasing Light
Welcome. This is where I share my work and also the work of others, those that inspire me, the weird, the great, the unusual.
It is a goddamn marvel this life. Take a look.
Tokyo | Harajuku, Alice on Wednesday
Tokyo is a city that richly rewards those who wander.
Tokyo | Kanda Yabu Soba
I have a simple rule when I am traveling or doing my wandering thing: when I see a line of locals waiting for a restaurant, I must abandon my plans and also get in line. Even if I have just eaten, it does not matter, because this has nothing to do with hunger.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise XIV
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Standing XVI
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Standing XV
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Lying Chaise XIV
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Lying Chaise XIII
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Room XII
Tokyo | Shibuya Crossing
One of the most photographed intersections in the world, I went there a few times, trying to capture something that was different.
Tokyo | Ueno
I don’t know why, but I cannot stop shooting crosswalks.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise VIII
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise XI
Morocco | Timahdte
Traveling the M13 road through the Middle Atlas, there are few signs of life in the high desert except for shepherds and their flocks. These two Berbers lived nearby and invited Farid and myself to tea.
Morocco | Farid
This is Farid.
I met him at the entrance to the main gate to the medina in Fez, both of us sitting down at a cafe for a morning cup and smoke. I had realized quickly that my original plan of spending my entire trip in Fez was mistaken as I had shot hardcore for two and a half days and felt that I had already had my fill. After all, you can only shoot a pic of a donkey in an alley so many times.
Morocco | Mehfiz
Stumbled across, and almost into, a group of young men in Mehfiz, somewhat near Khamlia in the Sahara. These guys were at an open crevasse, mining for coal and quartz by hand. They did have some heavy machinery near by but almost all of their work was performed manually. Parts of the opening in the ground led to a pitch black emptiness.
Brooklyn | Joaanna, Red Hook
For portrait and model sessions, I normally shoot Leica first, then I will bring out the Hasselbad to switch things up.
I am super fast with the Leica and with the aspect ratio, it lends itself more to environmental portraits, including more of the background, more of the setting and environment. The Leica is like an extension of me.
Saint Petersburg | Vi, Chaise, Shirt IX
Kraków | The Sculptor
Through my fixer, I met this artist and spent some time with him in his studio. Forget his name.
It was great to see his process, see his work. I didn’t make the best of the opportunity, the shots are pretty good, but not at a level I hoped. I just didn’t see it, those shots that spring out, those moments that leap out only when the camera is up, the lens is focused and waiting.
Belgrade | A Grand Lady
I always say that if I have a problem with my gear and all my film comes back blank, that it does not really matter. The point of all of this is the process, the journey.
The resulting film and the prints is a gift and a bonus.