Chasing Light
Welcome. This is where I share my work and also the work of others, those that inspire me, the weird, the great, the unusual.
It is a goddamn marvel this life. Take a look.
Richard Avedon | Ezra Pound
Nothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market.
-Ezra Pound
William Carlos Williams | This Is Just To Say
Two interesting portraits of Williams to contrast, only three years apart, both for Life Magazine.
“Draw, Antonio, draw, Antonio, draw and do not waste time.”
One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time.
Annie Dillard | The Death of Archimedes
During the Roman assault on Syracuse, Archimedes, oblivious to the tumult around him